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What to Do in Case of a Truck Accident?

What to Do in Case of a Truck Accident?

Speeding, crashes, inattentive driving, mechanical failure, load shifting, and taking a curve or sharp bend in the road too soon are just a few of the main causes of trucking accidents on our roadways every day. Accidents are unavoidable with over 300,000 truck drivers in the United States.

Consider the following suggestions to assist your fleet in reducing the possibility of accidents and responding effectively if one does occur.

A Step-by-Step Checklist

As part of the vehicle safety program, reviewing the procedures with drivers can assist them in knowing what to do in the event of an accident. No matter how small the collision appears to be, it is critical to pull over and check for any injuries or damage.

  • Stop, regardless of how minor you believe the collision was
  • Turn your caution lights on
  • Move out of the way of traffic if it is safe to do so
  • Examine the other drivers and passengers for any injuries
  • To report the accident, dial 911
  • Install emergency warning devices like warning triangles
  • Once you’ve taken care of the urgent necessities on-site, contact your insurance carrier
  • Notify the other driver of your situation (s)
  • At the scene, arguing about who is to blame is counterproductive

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Preparing the Truck in Advance

Having the right supplies in your vehicle and having an easy-to-read checklist can help drivers know how to respond. These supplies can include:

  • A 24-hour first point of contact list at your company
  • An accident report form with pen or pencil
  • A disposable camera to record images
  • Warning triangles and a fire extinguisher
  • 24/7 truck service repair

Photographing and Videotaping the Scene

Photo/video the scene:

  • Both mid-range and close-up shots from all angles
  • Vehicle positions before they are moved
  • Approach and surroundings
  • Signals and signage
  • Skid marks and debris
  • License plates – can help identify owners later

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Why is 24/7 truck repair service so important?

Why is 24/7 truck repair service so important?

Heavy-duty trucks are among the most vital vehicles on our highways. They work around the clock to keep the transportation sector (and, by implication, the economy) going smoothly. However, vehicles do break down from time to time.

24/7 heavy-duty truck repair service is especially essential since it allows customers to get their vehicles repaired when it is convenient for them, rather than only during the hours when technicians are open in their region. This also guarantees that those who work all day may still take care of needed repairs whether their vehicle breaks down at work or when traveling home from a long day out after having repairs completed in the evening.

Why do I need 24/7 truck repair?

Transportation is an essential component of our everyday life. People would be unable to travel to work or enjoy themselves if they did not have access to transportation. And heavy-duty trucks play an essential role in this transportation system because they convey the products that keep our economy running.

Heavy-duty trucks also contribute to community safety by transporting food and other supplies to grocery shops and businesses, allowing them to remain functioning without being compelled to lock their doors.

If heavy-duty transportation stops functioning for one day, it may have an impact on everything from energy to water supply, retail shop supplies, building materials, and even heating oil. So there is no doubt that heavy-duty vehicle maintenance is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Why is a 24/7 truck repair so important?

24/7 heavy-duty truck repair service, such as that provided by mobile fleet vehicle maintenance, and emergency services, such as those given by Specialized Truck Repair, ensure that mechanics can identify problems at all hours of the day and night. Nobody wants to be trapped with a broken-down vehicle because their technician was unable to conduct repairs or even provide advice on how to remedy any problems that arise.

However, mobile mechanics are distinct and more convenient for consumers and businesses alike because they can provide quick fixes and thorough inspections—even in parking lots outside workplaces and stores—to get people back on the road as soon as possible so they don’t risk being late for work or missing out on some of their days.

Call us today at 407-334-7200 to get your maintenance!

What can a 24/7 truck repair serive do for me?

End-to-end mobile fleet emergency and repair services are critical because they enable mechanics to react to requests at any time, whether after hours, on the weekend, or on holidays. This way, those who need repairs may obtain them right away rather than having to wait until Monday am when their local mechanic returns to work—keeping them safe and productive every day of the week.

The mobile fleet emergency and maintenance services provided by Specialized Truck Repair make it simple for businesses to maintain their vehicles up to date with more than just repairs. Our experts can handle oil changes, diagnostics, part replacements, tire rotations, and nearly any other preventative or regular maintenance work that your company may require.

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4 Tips for Preventing a Truck Accident

4 Tips for Preventing a Truck Accident

Any truck driver wants to think about getting into an accident. A mishap can prompt mischief to yourself as well as other people, harm to your truck and other property, lawful and protection issues, and it can leave you off the street for a drawn-out timeframe.

Even though business trucks are just associated with 2.4% of all mishaps, and just 16% of these mishaps are the transporter’s shortcoming, drivers should know the most effective ways to stay away from a truck mishap. Along these lines, we are giving you seven normal reasons for truck mishaps out and about, and a few hints to assist you with expanding your mindfulness.


Speeding is the second-most common reason for mishaps out and about, behind diverted driving. Because of their sheer size and weight, semi-trucks can apply more force to anything they hit when compared to vehicles. This implies it’s considerably more vital that you know about your speed and your distance between different vehicles.

Regardless of how significant you think your time is for your business, your well-being is much more significant. By keeping your speed at a fitting cut-off, you won’t just increase wellbeing out and about by permitting serious halting time, but you will also assist with lowering your fuel expenses.

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Weather conditions are flighty and can change in a moment. Being ready to respond to an adjustment in weather conditions will help your well-being and the security of others out and about. Be mindful when you notice changes in the temperature and mist as it could mean the weather conditions might start to misbehave.

Stay away from the vehicle before you, and assuming the weather conditions are awful enough, be extra mindful of ice, snow, water, or trash that could now be out and about. Use your signal a little longer than usual before turning or crossing paths to give others more time to respond and ensure they see you.

If you see different trucks pulled over, chances are good that they are doing it for an explanation, and the most secure thing to do may be to pull yourself over also. No amount is a higher priority than the well-being of yourself and those around you.

Driver Fatigue

Mishaps credited to driver weariness are regularly the most genuine. Weakness makes a driver have almost no response time and can cause comparative debilitation to a driver affected by liquor. After around 17 hours of being conscious, your responsiveness and readiness start to fall apart, essentially.

Evaluate your readiness, and assuming you are too worn out to even think about driving, rest when you can track down a protected spot to stop, regardless of whether you have time left at work.

Get a free repair estimate today! Call us today at 407-334-7200.

Vulnerable sides

Trucks are multiple times the length of an average vehicle. So, as a semi-transporter, you must be more mindful of your environmental elements to ensure another vehicle isn’t on your vulnerable side. Although this might appear glaringly evident, and somewhere around a modest number of mishaps are credited to these limitations in permeability, it’s as yet worth recognizing.

Different drivers might not know anything about these vulnerable sides, which means it depends on you to maintain a protected separation and to utilize alert while moving to another lane. You can handle what you have some control over, so if different drivers around you won’t drive mindfully, it ultimately depends on you to be the better driver and give additional consideration to the drivers around you.

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3 things you need to know about your truck

3 things you need to know about your truck

A truck isn’t simply one more vehicle. It is your given companion and accomplice, an indispensable partner throughout everyday life and work. The progress of your business and vocation, your security, and prosperity might rely upon your truck’s condition and execution. Thus, upkeep guidelines and standard exams are critical for proprietors of these vehicles.

Check the liquids consistently

Liquids like motor oil, coolant, or brake liquid are essential for the legitimate work of any vehicle. However, when we talk about such working vehicles as trucks, they need broad consideration. Make a point of checking their level and quality routinely.

You might track down every one of the requirements in the manual or counsel an expert specialist. Furthermore, when you recognize or presume any abnormalities, spillage, or wear off, make it a point to immediately contact a mechanic.

Replace oil consistently

Being responsible for the motor’s condition, the oil may be the most critical liquid in a truck. Transforming it consistently will ensure the long and smooth work of your truck and protect you from the inconvenience and exorbitant fixes. Most truck producers suggest replacing the oil once every 7,500 or once every large portion of a year (whatever starts things out).

Notwithstanding, it is essential to consider a few different variables, like driving circumstances, that might impact the oil production in your truck. It’s also a good idea to consult with an expert to choose the best oil for your engine and change it properly.

Call us today at 407-334-7200 to get your maintenance!

Balance the tires

However long trucks need to manage loads, the weight should be distributed similarly around the hub. Unequal tires wear off a lot quicker and unevenly. Also, the harm to suspension and vibrations out and about. Each time you take your truck to a normal examination or have your tires fixed or supplanted, try to look at the equilibrium.

Check the electricity

While discussing maintenance,  many people consider an oil change or tire rotation, yet the power in your vehicle is similarly significant. A faint light inside the vehicle might be an obvious sign of an electrical issue that will develop into a difficult issue from now on. It is also savvy to keep spare wires in your truck so you do not wind up trapped in an open field with an inert vehicle one day.

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Best Maintenance Tips for Your Truck

Best Maintenance Tips for Your Truck

There aren’t many things more essential to a driver than their truck. All things considered, truck support should be the main concern. You should treat your truck with absolute attention to detail to keep it in excellent condition. And keeping in mind that most drivers invest heavily in the time and care they put into their truck, everybody could use a couple of updates once in a while.

Whether you just bought a new pickup truck or you’ve owned one for several years, routine truck maintenance is essential for keeping your truck in peak condition. Conducting regular maintenance will allow you to catch problems early on before they become bigger problems and put a dent in your wallet. Here you have the best maintenance tips for your truck.

Get your oil changed consistently

One of the main truck upkeep checks, or any vehicle support, is to take a look at the oil. Oil is so critical to the existence of your truck. Strong motors like the ones in trucks need loads of oil, and you could hurt your truck if you let it go excessively lengthy without actually looking at your levels. A basic principle of thumb is to change your oil every 7,500 miles or a half year (whichever starts things out).

Call us today at 407-334-7200 to get your maintenance!

Keep your tires in check

The following are a couple of things to think about while pondering your tires during your standard truck upkeep checks:

  • Tire rotation: Since your tires wear unevenly (the front tires typically see the most wear), getting your tires pivoted consistently is basic. Along these lines, you should expect to get your tires rotated each time you get an oil change.
  • Tire pressure: As the weather conditions change, so does the tire pressure. Tires that are under-swelled can reduce fuel mileage and make it harder to control. To keep them in the best shape, really look at the strain on your tires week after week, and, surprisingly, more regularly if you’re going to be out and about for a long period.
  • Tire tread: Heat makes the elastic in your tires separate quicker, so on the off chance that you haven’t checked your tire track since late spring, ensure you do it unexpectedly. You can utilize a track check to take care of business.

Clean the Exterior

Cleaning the outside of your truck will accomplish more than making your ride sparkle. It will also safeguard the paint on your truck by eliminating any grating soil or residue. Also is particularly significant in the cold weather for a very long time when it snows. Sand and salt on the streets can rapidly develop on your truck and harm the paint.

Whenever you clean your truck, remember to clean the underside as well. It’s pretty much as significant as different pieces of your truck.

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