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Tips to Give Good Use and Maintenance to Your Truck

Tips to Give Good Use and Maintenance to Your Truck

There are few things more important to a driver than his or her truck. As such, truck maintenance should be a top priority. You should treat your truck with the utmost care in order to keep it in tip-top shape. And while most truckers take pride in the time and care they put into their truck, everyone could use a few reminders occasionally.

Here are 4 truck maintenance tips for your truck to keep you running as well and as long as possible.

You should read: 5 Truck Driving Tips to Become a Better Driver

1. Get your oil changed regularly

One of the most significant truck maintenance check, or any vehicle maintenance, is to check the oil. Oil is so essential to the life of your truck. Powerful engines like the ones in trucks need lots of oil, and you could harm your truck if you let it go too long without checking your levels. A general rule of thumb is to change your oil every 7,500 miles or six months (whichever comes first).

2. Keep your tires in check

Here are a few things to take into consideration when thinking about your tires during your routine truck maintenance checks.

Tire rotation. Because your tires wear unevenly (front tires are usually seen the most wear), getting your tires rotated regularly is imperative. Therefore, you should aim to get your tires rotated every time you get an oil change.
Tire pressure. As the weather changes, so does tire pressure. Tires that are under-inflated can lower fuel mileage and make it harder to steer. To keep them in the best shape, check the pressure of your tires weekly, and even more often if you’re about to be on the road for an extended period of time.
Tire tread. Heat makes the rubber in your tires break down faster, so if you haven’t checked your tire tread since the summer, make sure you do so soon. You can use a tread gauge to get the job done

3. Make sure your brakes are in good shape

This one can get really expensive if you let it go for too long without getting it checked. If you hear or feel anything out of the ordinary with your brakes, it’s likely time to get them checked out to avoid paying more for it down the road.

4. Keep a toolbox on hand

Keeping a toolbox in your truck can enable you to perform small inspections and fixes on your rig. It’ll also help you to be prepared in case of an emergency. Your toolbox should include items such as:

  • Wrench set
  • Pliers
  • Screwdriver
  • Hammer
  • Zip ties
  • Tire pressure gauge
  • Flashlight
  • Batteries
  • Brake cleaner
  • Pocket knife
  • Don’t Forget Basic Truck Maintenance

From brand-new trucking rookies to seasoned drivers who know their truck like the back of their hand, everyone could use a little truck maintenance refresher from time to time. Follow these tips to lengthen the life of your truck, run safely, and avoid breakdowns or other emergencies.

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How to take care of your mental health when you are out on the road

How to take care of your mental health when you are out on the road

Truck drivers have a reputation for being tough. And while you work hard and are dedicated to your jobs, “tough” doesn’t mean you’re impervious to the stresses of life on the road. In fact, just being a truck driver puts you at a higher risk for depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Not focusing on your mental health can also affect your ability to focus on the job and contribute to unsafe decision-making or destructive behaviors. Now, more than ever, it’s important to focus on our mental health and stay connected with one another!

1. Keep Your Mind Sharp

Doing brain exercises plays a significant role in caring for the mind. They can help boost your memory, focus your concentration, and allow you to pay better attention to your daily tasks.

  • Do a jigsaw puzzle – it strengthens your ability to see how pieces fit within the big picture.
  • Learn a new dance move to improve your memory and how quickly your brain can process things.
  • Take up a new hobby or learn a new language.
  • Figure out a new way to do a daily task.
  • Do word or number puzzles like Sudoku or crossword puzzles.

You should read: 5 Truck Driving Tips to Become a Better Driver

2. Stay Connected With Loved Ones

Thankfully, technology helps us stay connected to our loved ones no matter how far away we are.

Video chats, phone calls, and text messages are literally at your fingertips whenever you have a break from driving.
Bring photos or sentimental items that remind you of home.
Send postcards to your friends and family.
Utilize our Carter Express passenger policy to bring a friend or family member with you on one of your trips.

3. Get Enough Quality Sleep

Altered sleep patterns, whether not enough or too much, can affect many mental health issues. Sleep apnea, for one, can be linked to chronic fatigue and depression and is common among truck drivers.

  • Set a nightly routine to get your body ready for sleep.
  • Avoid caffeine and heavy meals in the evening.
  • Limit the use of electronics before bed.
  • Try a weighted blanket to help you stay asleep.
  • Keep a sleep diary to help you evaluate your sleeping habits.
  • Talk with your doctor about a sleep study.

4. Find Ways to Relax

Truck driving jobs can be high stress, so it’s important for drivers to find ways to relax.

  • Get moving. Stretching and exercising will not only help you physically but can help you clear your mind and ease tense emotions.
  • Listen to music or a podcast.
  • Get a good night’s sleep.
  • Meditate.
  • Practice deep breathing techniques.

5. Know the Warning Signs

One of the most significant things about improving your mental health is to know when you are struggling. Recognizing the warning signs of anxiety or depression will help you utilize your relaxation tools or seek help faster. Common symptoms of depression and anxiety include:

  • feeling nervous or tense
  • difficulty concentrating
  • a sense of apprehension or dread
  • extreme sweating
  • upset stomach
  • muscle tension
  • headaches or body aches
  • insomnia
  • feelings of hopelessness
  • lost interest in activities you used to enjoy
  • mood swings

6. Seek Help

It’s never too early to ask for help if something feels “off”. Even if what you are experiencing or feeling falls in a normal range of emotions, it’s always beneficial to have someone to talk to.

Being a truck driver is one of the hardest jobs out there, but it does not have to take a huge toll on you mentally and physically. Use some of these tips to help you improve your mental health and enjoy your time-out on the road.

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How to Hire Truck Drivers: Attract and Retain Truckers

How to Hire Truck Drivers: Attract and Retain Truckers

When it comes to finding and hiring truck drivers, some trucking companies are finding that it’s harder than it used to be. Not only is the average driver age continuing to go up, but the shortage of drivers available is projected to increase in the coming years. That makes finding (and keeping) good drivers more difficult than ever.

If you’re in the process of conducting truck driver recruiting in this current market, there are a couple of important things to keep in mind. Read on to find out our top tips for how to find truck drivers, as well as how to make sure that the ones you do hire stick around.

Mobile Friendly

Jobseekers today do a lot of research on their phones. They may even submit a job application through their phone as well. With that in mind, it’s critical that you ensure your website (and the job application if it’s on your website) is optimized for viewing on a mobile device. That way, when potential drivers check out your site on their phones, they can easily navigate your site and find out what you’re all about.

Social Media

Another thing to consider when hiring truck drivers is that a large portion of the potential workforce is spending a lot of time on social media. If you have the ability to pay for ads on Facebook and Instagram, that could be a great opportunity to get in front of millennial drivers and attract younger talent.

You should read: 5 Truck Driving Tips to Become a Better Driver


If you’re wondering how to hire truck drivers and retain them, one of the biggest factors in whether good drivers stick around is the benefits you offer. Especially with the younger drivers, they’re very focused on benefits and work-life balance.

Some of the top benefits that drivers look for are retirement benefits (like a 401k and company matching), healthcare benefits (including medical, dental, and vision), and time off (paid time off and paid holidays). Drivers are also very concerned with work-life balance and time at home. Be sure to highlight this in your job posting to attract top talent.

Job Posting

Speaking of your job posting, here are some things to focus on when looking to hire truck drivers. Be sure to include required qualifications, specifically the class of CDL needed. You should also cover a full list of job responsibilities. Make this section as extensive as possible so that the applicant knows exactly what to expect of the job.

Where to Post

The last thing you need to consider when hiring truck drivers is where to post your job listing. There are a variety of job posting sites that are well-known in any industry, as well as one that are specific to truck driving. You can also find ones where you can list your job for free and also ones that require a fee to post. Check out some top job posting sites below:

Now that you know how to find CDL drivers, it’s time to start recruiting! If you follow these tips, you’re sure to find great drivers in no time. Plus, you’ll also be able to retain top talent too.

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5 Truck Driving Tips to Become a Better Driver

5 Truck Driving Tips to Become a Better Driver

In order to progress in any profession, you need to work every day on bettering yourself and your skills. Truck driving is no different. So if you have ever wondered, “how can I be a better truck driver?” We have compiled some truck driving tips into five areas that you can work on to help you improve.

1. Work on your skills

At first glance, “work on your skills” might just seem like another way to say “be a better truck driver.” But in this instance we are not talking about simply practicing and gaining experience. Instead, although both are important ways to improve, we are referring to the idea of expanding your knowledge and honing those skills that are not always immediately considered important in driving. So, what are the skills needed to be a good truck driver?

  • Good communication
  • Time management
  • Problem-solving
  • Organization
  • Self-government or responsibility
  • Critical thinking
  • Mechanical knowledge

Some of these skills may be easier to work on than others. Something like an online or practical course may help you become a better mechanic, but creative solutions can help you to improve on others.

2. Never neglect safety

When you are hauling more than 10,000 pounds in your trailer, safety becomes not just a priority, but a necessity. That is why the best truck drivers are the safest truck drivers. Here are six truck driver safety tips to follow:

  1. Drive defensively: Be aware of everything that is happening or could happen — both ahead of you and behind you. This allows you to act defensively and prevent accidents or sticky situations before they occur.
  2. Wear your seatbelt: It’s not only the law, but a matter of utmost safety.
  3. Check the weather: Any kind of weather conditions can affect how you drive, whether that means bright sunshine affecting visibility or rain causing slick roads.
  4. Prepare for adverse conditions: Some weather conditions, such as snow, can impact driving more than others. It’s important to not only be aware, but to prepare.
  5. Stay aware: If you are overly tired, your reaction times will be drastically affected. Always make sure that you are alert and aware when you are behind the wheel.
  6. Stay DOT compliant: All DOT regulations are designed to keep you and others on the road safe. Remaining compliant is also a good way to ensure that you keep safe.

3. Watch your health

A big part of being a better driver is being healthy. Not only are there safety concerns that come with health issues — hence why the DOT also has medical requirements — but good health can also help you to have a much longer career. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health provides a list of the various medical conditions that truck drivers commonly face. Watching your diet and making an effort to exercise should be a priority for any truck driver.

It’s also incredibly essential not to neglect mental health. Stress and loneliness are both problems that can arise if left unchecked. Look into ways that you can manage both of these things while on the road for days at a time.

You should read: Five Tactics to Reduce Stress for Truckers

4. Always double-check your vehicle

It can sometimes be easy to skip over the importance of looking after your vehicle as a driver, since certain checks can become routine and maintenance might be viewed as someone else’s difficulty. However, the best truck drivers are ones who take care of their vehicles, and they often reap the benefits. Pre-trip inspections are not only required by law, but are an important way to prevent accidents and other issues. Another time when it is good to give your vehicle a check is after you park it; just take a look back and make sure everything is right — no lights on, tire issues, or anything else.

5. Maintain a clean driving record

This should be the goal of any driver, but especially those who do it for a living. Maintaining a clean driving record as a truck driver can be the key to promotions, pay raises, and increased job opportunities. If you have a record that is free of accidents and violations, work on continuing to maintain it. But mistakes happen, and even if you have some marks on your record, you can still work to clear them through driving school and other methods — you can read more here.

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